Thursday, July 2, 2015

Basic Nut Milk Recipe

Nut milks are delicious and easy to make.  You can substitute nut milks in most baked goods, and use them almost any place you would use regular milk.

Basic Nut Milk Recipe

1 part nuts of choice (almonds, walnuts, pecans, and cashews are all popular options)
4 parts water

Blend in a high speed blender until smooth.

I like to make a Salted Caramel and Cinnamon variation by adding in a handful of medjool dates (other dates may be substituted), a few sprinkles of cinnamon, a splash of vanilla, and a bit of sea salt, and then blending.

Tip:  If you will be using almonds, it is recommended that you soak them over night, as this sprouts them (they will look plump, but with no visible sprouts).  The sprouting process not only increases the digestibility, but the nutritional content of the milk as well, as sprouts are known for being nutrient powerhouses!

Tip: If you are drinking almond milk straight, I would recommend getting a nut milk bag to strain the milk with.  You could also probably use a clean dishcloth.  The pulp can be saved for use in other recipes.

Tip:  If I don't want a distinctive almond flavor, for example, when I am making a gravy, I love using walnut milk.  The flavor is very neutral, and it blends up smoothly enough that you don't really have to strain it.

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